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Introducing Unique Indonesian Beverages to the World

Monday, 15 July 2024 - 06:06
Introducing Unique Indonesian Beverages to the World The authentic recipe of Sinom. (Photo: TIMES AI Academy)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – Indonesia, a country rich in cultural heritage, boasts a variety of traditional beverages that are both delicious and beneficial for health. Here are ten unique Indonesian beverages that can be introduced to the world with creative serving suggestions to make them appealing, especially to children.

1. Sinom

Sinom is a refreshing drink made from young tamarind leaves. Its tangy flavor is perfect for a hot day. To make it more appealing to children, serve it chilled with ice cubes and a drizzle of honey. Present it in colorful glasses to catch their attention.

2. Beras Kencur

Beras Kencur is a healthful drink made from rice and aromatic ginger (kencur). For a refreshing twist, add ice cubes and a bit of palm sugar. Serve it in fun, illustrated bottles to entice children to try this nutritious beverage.

3. Ginger Milk

Ginger milk, a warm drink ideal for cold weather, can also be enjoyed cold. Simply add ice cubes and serve it in tall glasses with colorful straws to make it more attractive to kids.

4. Wedang Uwuh

This traditional drink is made from a mix of spices, including ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. For a child-friendly version, serve it cold with ice cubes and a touch of honey for added sweetness. Use vibrant, fun glasses to make it even more appealing.

5. Cendol

Cendol is a popular drink made from rice flour jelly, coconut milk, and palm sugar syrup. Serve it with shaved ice for a cooling treat. Adding fresh fruit pieces like jackfruit or young coconut will give it a delightful twist and make it even more enticing.

6. Es Kacang Hijau

This sweet green bean dessert drink is made by cooking green beans with sugar and coconut milk. Serve it with shaved ice and a splash of fruit syrup to enhance its appeal to children.

7. Es Selendang Mayang

A traditional Betawi drink, Es Selendang Mayang consists of colorful rice flour jelly slices served with coconut milk and red syrup. Add ice cubes and serve it in a pretty bowl to catch the interest of young ones.

8. Rosella Tea

Rosella tea, made from the antioxidant-rich rosella flower, can be served cold with ice cubes and a bit of honey or fruit syrup for added flavor. Its natural red color will attract children’s attention.

9. Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass tea, a herbal drink made from lemongrass and sugar, can be served cold for children. Add ice cubes and a squeeze of lime for a refreshing taste. Use cute, themed glasses to make it more inviting.

10. Turmeric Tamarind

Turmeric tamarind drink, made from turmeric and tamarind, is another healthful option. Serve it cold with ice cubes and a dash of honey for sweetness. Present it in glasses with colorful straws to make it more appealing to kids.

By creatively presenting these traditional Indonesian beverages and incorporating child-friendly ingredients, these drinks can be introduced to children in a fun and appealing way. Not only will they enjoy the delicious flavors, but they will also benefit from the natural ingredients used in these traditional recipes. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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