
PPI World Coordinator Urges Alumni to Accelerate Career Adaptation

Wednesday, 06 December 2023 - 02:32
PPI World Coordinator Urges Alumni to Accelerate Career Adaptation Hamzah Assuudy Lubis, the Coordinator of PPI Dunia. (Photo: PPI Dunia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – In the recent inauguration ceremony of the Alumni Connect 2023-2026, Hamzah Assuudy Lubis, the Coordinator of PPI World, shared profound insights regarding the challenges posed by the 2045 demographic bonus and the pivotal role of alumni in supporting the accelerated

Highlighting the urgency of supporting Indonesian students abroad in navigating the challenges of career adaptation, Hamzah emphasized the central role alumni play in providing networks, advice, and opportunities. This will benefit in assisting the current generation of students in achieving success in the global job market.

"Alumni play a crucial role in providing networks, advice, and opportunities that can assist the current generation of students in achieving success in the global job market," he stated.

Alumni Participation

Hamzah's focus on active alumni participation underscores his encouragement for alumni to initiate career mentoring programs, skill training, and various activities that can expedite career adaptation for students returning to Indonesia.

Recognizing the unique position of alumni as mentors, he believes that their experiences can significantly contribute to the success of those embarking on their professional journeys.

The newly appointed management of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia 2023-2026 is committed to taking concrete steps to support the career development of students returning to Indonesia. This includes the development of mentoring programs, career webinars, and collaborations with companies to open up job opportunities.

By providing practical and actionable resources, the Alumni Connect PPI Dunia aims to ease the transition of students into the competitive job market.

Unleashing Career Opportunities

Hamzah's call to action extends beyond alumni, reaching the broader community of Indonesian students and professionals. He emphasizes the importance of unity in harnessing the potential of the demographic bonus.

"Let us together shape the young generation of Indonesia into a productive and innovative force on the global stage. The role of alumni is crucial in realizing this vision," he expressed.

As the demographic bonus of 2045 approaches, Hamzah Assuudy Lubis advocates for a collective effort from alumni to guide and support the next generation. By actively participating in mentoring programs and career initiatives, alumni can contribute significantly to the career adaptation of Indonesian students returning from abroad.

The commitment of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia and Hamzah's call for unity underscore the importance of alumni in shaping the future workforce of Indonesia, ensuring they are competitive, resilient, and globally competent. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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