
PPI Belanda Committed to Enhance an Already Stellar Organization

Thursday, 30 November 2023 - 01:12
PPI Belanda Committed to Enhance an Already Stellar Organization The new board member of PPI Belanda took a moment for picture. (Photo: PPI Belanda)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Student Association in the Netherlands or knoown as PPI Belanda conducted the inauguration of its new board for the 2023-2024 term. This event received commendation from Agus Setiabudi, the Education and Culture Attaché (Atdikbud) at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Den Haag.

The ceremony, held at Lipsius Building, Leiden University, was attended by over 150 participants (26/11/2023). The newly appointed PPI Belanda board expressed its intention to utilize this opportunity to strengthen and improve the already commendable quality of the organization.

Agus Setiabudi echoed this sentiment, expressing confidence in the new board's capabilities. Having collaborated with previous administrations, he believed that the 2023-2024 term would demonstrate continuous improvement.

"From the beginning of observing the formation process of the board, from the selection of the secretary-general to the inauguration, there was no doubt or reason to say that the management of PPI Belanda for the 2023-2024 period is not better than before," he stated in his address.

During the inauguration event, Agus Setiabudi led the pledge, which was recited by 82 newly appointed PPI Belanda board members. The board composition included students from bachelor, master, and doctoral levels, representing PPI branches across various cities in the Netherlands.

The oath-taking ceremony took place in front of the Presidium Council and Representatives from PPI branches throughout the Netherlands, with representatives from cities such as Arnhem, Enschede, Wageningen, Maastricht, Deventer, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Den Haag, Groningen, Utrecht, Delft, Tilburg, Leiden, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam.

To strengthen ties with established connections, more than 200 invitations were extended to relevant institutions and communities. Among the invitees were Lingkar Interaksi Indonesia Belanda, IDN-NL, PMI Leeuwarden, PCI NU Belanda, PCI Muhammadiyah Belanda, Keluarga Katolik Indonesia, Gereja Kristen Indonesia Netherlands, ILUNI UI, KAGAMA NL, IAITB NL, and various other institutions.

A highlight of the event was a panel discussion on the topic "The Central Role of Young Intellectuals for the Future of the Nation." This discussion involved PPI Belanda board members, institutional leaders, and academic figures, aiming to explore the contribution of young intellectuals in shaping the nation's future.

Secretary-General of PPI Belanda, Ahmad Abyan Aushaf, revealed that the inauguration marked the beginning of youth contribution to the nation. "This inauguration moment conveys a message for us to restore the role of intellectualism, where knowledge not only fills classroom spaces but also has an impact on the broader society," he emphasized.

With the spirit of dedication and strong commitment from the PPI Belanda board for the 2023-2024 period, it is hoped that the organization will continue to evolve and make a positive contribution to Indonesian students, particularly those studying in the Netherlands, while further strengthening the ties between Indonesia and the Land of Windmills. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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