
Exploring the Natural Beauty of Blitar Through Camping

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 - 05:11
Exploring the Natural Beauty of Blitar Through Camping The pristine cut savnanah at Puncak Sekawan, Blitar which could be a nice spot for camping. (Photo: [email protected])

TIMES JAZIRAH, BLITAR – Blitar, a destination that might not be widely known, holds countless natural charms waiting to be discovered. For nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers, Blitar offers various camping spots worth exploring. Here are some camping places in Blitar that are worth considering to enrich your holiday experience.

1. Maliran Forest: Exciting Adventures Among Deer

In the village of Jatilengger, Ponggok, lies the Maliran Forest, transformed into an enticing tourist area. One of its attractions is the deer sanctuary, where visitors can feed these delightful creatures while capturing memorable moments.

The Maliran Forest management has also prepared a spacious camping area for those who love camping. Especially on weekends, this location is bustling with tourists who come to enjoy the natural beauty, play around, or camp due to its expansive space.

2. Sumber Bon C: Natural Beauty on the Slopes of Mount Kelud

Sumber Bon C, situated on the slopes of Mount Kelud, offers a cool and refreshing natural ambiance. With a combination of springs and forests, this spot is ideal for healing and picnics with friends.

Visitors can also try feeding the fish in the pond. Sumber Bon C provides a camping area with an affordable fee of only Rp 6,000 per person, making it an attractive option for a simple and natural camping experience.

3. Loji Pine Forest : The Charm of Pine Trees on Mount Kelud's Slopes

Loji Pine Forest, located on the slopes of Mount Kelud, offers a cool atmosphere and breathtaking views. The rows of pine trees make this tourist spot a popular destination, and its vast area is suitable for camping.

Easily accessible from the center of Blitar, this location can be reached within an hour by two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles. Pine Forest Loji is the right choice for those who want to combine adventure and comfort.

4. Puncak Sekawan: Unforgettable Experience at 711 Meters Above Sea Level

Puncak Sekawan, situated in the village of Semen, Gandusari, is a camping ground surrounded by stunning trees. At an elevation of 711 meters above sea level, this location offers an unforgettable experience.

From the summit, visitors can enjoy the beautiful panorama of Mount Kelud, Mount Gedang, and even Mount Kawi lined up in the distance. Puncak Sekawan also rents camping equipment for families, from tents to dining utensils, making the camping experience even more comfortable.

5. Wukir Negoro: Adventure in the Sirah Kencong Tea Plantation Hills

Wukir Negoro, surrounded by the Sirah Kencong tea plantation, is perfect for true adventurers. This expanse of hills promises breathtaking natural beauty. Its cool atmosphere makes Wukir Negoro an ideal place for exploring natural adventures.

For those seeking adventure and the authenticity of nature, Wukir Negoro is a must-visit camping destination.

With these enticing options, Blitar not only showcases breathtaking natural beauty but also offers exciting and memorable camping experiences. Don't hesitate to explore the natural beauty of Blitar through camping and enjoy unforgettable moments with friends or family.

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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