
Puncak Pagerbatu at Banjar, the Lands above the Clouds

Sunday, 22 January 2023 - 03:12
Puncak Pagerbatu at Banjar, the Lands above the Clouds Puncak Pagerbatu at Banjar city. (PHOTO: @viamoments)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – A small remote village in Batulawang, Banjar has a tourism potential due to its breathtaking panoramic beauty. Known as Puncak Pagerbatu, this tourist attraction is considered as the land above the clouds as it serves a panoramic beauty of nature and clouds. It is best to come here in the morning. 

Banjar city is surrounded by hills, especially on its northern, southern and western sides. This small city is streamed by a river, Citandui. There are some farming areas and fields around the outskirts of the city. 

This city is divided into four different sub-districts. Although small, this city can offer the best, exotic tourist destinations, just like the other cities in Indonesia. This place offers a panoramic view of hills and refreshing breeze. From atop, we can see the landscape of Banjar city and the panoramic nature around it.

History of Puncak Pagerbatu

It started in 2007 when Puncak Pagerbatu was still an abandoned, unkempt forest. Then it was transformed into an exotic nature tourism by the locals around there. 

Currently, there are more facilities being added, such as road pavement leading to the tourism destination, selfie spots, and main building construction. These additional facilities are funded by the village and the non-governmental organizations. 

In the near future, there will be some other facilities, such as kid swimming pools, BMX circuit, camping grounds, ATV, outbound area, and outdoor meeting venue. 

The Management of Puncak Pagerbatu

Currently, Puncak Pagerbatu is managed by the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) of the village. To enter this tourism attraction, the visitors do not need to pay any entrance fee. They only need to pay for the parking fee. 

If you want to come here, it is best to enjoy the scenery in the morning. You can see the breathtaking landscape of the Land above the Cloud from the viewing post. 

For those who come in a family group, please take care of your children. When you are here, every child needs parental supervision. You may also find some cafes and restaurants inside the area of Puncak Pagerbatu to have some drinks and foods. They sell some delicious foods and snacks, and refreshing drinks to quench your thirst. 

Some food stalls around Puncak Pagerbatu also sell some traditional products of Batulawang Village, such as Gula Semut (palm sugar) and other traditional snacks. 

Puncak Pagerbatu opens daily from 7 AM to 5 PM. From the parking lot, the visitors have to walk around 300 meters to reach the destination. Are you interested in visiting this place? You definitely have to come to this place to enjoy the panoramic beauty of Banjar city. (*)

Writer : Tiara Dewanti DJ
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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