
Bromo Crowned as Top 3 World’s Most Beautiful National Parks 2023

Tuesday, 05 December 2023 - 03:33
Bromo Crowned as Top 3 World’s Most Beautiful National Parks 2023 The Governor of East Java Khofifah Indah Parawansa (in blue veil) during her visit to Bromo. (Photo: The PR team of Pemprov Jatim)

TIMES JAZIRAH, SURABAYA – Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa expressed her delight as Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) in East Java was named The World’s Most Beautiful National Parks 2023. This title was given by Bounce, a San Francisco, California-based travel service platform.

Bromo was put on the third place after another two captivating natural world's destination. TNBTS follows Kruger National Park in South Africa, securing the top spot, and Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Brazil at second place.

Bounce's assessment took into account the accumulation of Instagram posts, TikTok views, online reviews, and keyword searches on Google throughout 2023. In their rankings, Mount Bromo even surpassed Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China and Fuji Hakone Izu National Park in Japan.

The governor expressed her gratitude an was so pleased toward the achievement. "Praise the Lord. In addition to Ijen Crater which was designated as a Unesco Global Park in June 2023, East Java also has Bromo, whose beauty is recognized worldwide," she said (4/12/2023).

Khofifah highlighted that TNBTS presents a unique landscape, captivating every corner with its mesmerizing allure. Alongside Mount Bromo, the area features Mount Batok, Mount Watangan, Mount Widodaren, Mount Kursi, savannah fields, a sea of sand, and hills forming the Tengger Caldera wall.

Not to mention Mount Semeru which lies in the southern part with its summit, Mahameru. All implies a perfect natural beauty which will mesmerize every eyes that looking to it. It will definitely give the tourist one unforgetable moment to catch.

"In addition to the natural beauty, the Bromo region, inhabited by the Tengger Tribe, promises equally enticing cultural experiences. There, various unique local cultural wisdom is preserved, honoring ancestral traditions," she added.

For those who have yet to experience Bromo, Khofifah urged, "Come and savor this slice of paradise. At least once in a lifetime, everyone should visit Bromo."

Bounce's calculation methodology involved assigning weights to the top 100 national parks globally, according to Their research team then calculated scores based on Instagram posts, TikTok views, Google searches from October 2022 to September 2023, and reviews for each national park on Google.

Bounce noted that Bromo Tengger Semeru's posts had garnered one billion views on TikTok and over 930,000 posts on Instagram in the last year alone. Additionally, the park boasts an impressive 4.8-star rating in online reviews.

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park stands not only as a testament to Indonesia's natural splendor but also as a global treasure recognized for its unparalleled beauty. It is urged for the people to experience the beauty of Bromo and  immerse yourself in a harmonious blend of nature and culture.

As we celebrate its well-deserved accolade, let us heed the call to explore this earthly paradise, ensuring that its wonders continue to inspire awe for generations to come. Bromo awaits, a timeless sanctuary where nature's beauty and cultural heritage unite in a symphony of enchantment.

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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