
Gandrung Sewu: A Traditional Dance Originating from Banyuwangi

Thursday, 21 September 2023 - 03:00
Gandrung Sewu: A Traditional Dance Originating from Banyuwangi Gandrung Sewu rehearsal at Boom Marina Beach in Banyunwangi. (PHOTO: FAZAR DIMAS/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, BANYUWANGI – The Gandrung Sewu dance is a traditional dance originating from Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. Typically performed by women dressed in traditional attire adorned with red and black colors. This dance which originally named Gandrung is often showcased during various events such as weddings, welcoming important guests, or cultural festivals.

The name "Gandrung Sewu" literally translates to "a thousand", alluding to the multitude of dancers participating in this vibrant performance. It is an annual event hold by the local government taking around a thousand local dancer to perform the dance in appointed iconic local place, Boom Marina beach for instance.

This year, the festival once again graced the stage with the theme "Omprog: The Glory of Art," . It embodies self-control over the illusion of existence in the life of a Gandrung dancer.

The event spanned three days, from September 14 to 16, 2023, and was hosted at Boom Marina Beach. Ainur Rofiq, a representative from the local government's Cultural and Tourism Department (Disbudpar), stated that this year's performance was recognized as a part of the prestigious Kharisma Event Nusantara (KEN).

This grand event, featuring 1,200 dancers and accompanied by a live ensemble of 300 musicians, showcases the rich cultural heritage of Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia.

The sheer magnitude of the performance draws both local and visitors from afar, underlining its significance as a major attraction in the region, captivating audiences with the mesmerizing Gandrung Sewu dance. Also, thousands of TNI (armed forces) came down directly to collaborate with fantastic attractions. 

The event provided a fantastic opportunity for local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to infuse the festivities with their unique offerings, ranging from tantalizing culinary delights to signature Banyuwangi trinkets. Entrepreneurs in the MSME sector seized this moment to showcase their creativity and unlock their business potential.

Beyond adding vibrancy to the event, the enthusiastic participation of MSMEs proved to be a boon for the local economy, giving a significant boost to the sales of indigenous products. Visitors, on the other hand, were treated to an authentic and diverse shopping spree, all while championing the growth of MSMEs in Banyuwangi.

Given the immense turnout expected for this event, local authorities have arranged expansive parking facilities in the surrounding area. Visitors were strongly advised to park their vehicles in an orderly manner to maintain a conducive environment.

Moreover, dedicated personnel will be available to assist attendees in finding suitable parking spots. This thoughtful arrangement aims to ensure smooth traffic flow and enhance the overall event experience for all participants.

With the overwhelming success of this magnificent event, the importance of preserving local cultural heritage has been further illuminated.

The lively and enthusiastic participation of the community, along with the fine coordination of the event organizers, has showcased the distinctive richness of Banyuwangi culture. As Gandrung Sewu event came to an end, a deep impression was left behind, underscoring the importance of preserving and celebrating indigenous traditions. (*)

Writer : M. Ade Nur Alfian (PKL)
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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