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Sop Buntut Mbak Naning Pacitan, Best Way to Enjoy Oxtail Soup

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 - 01:30
Sop Buntut Mbak Naning Pacitan, Best Way to Enjoy Oxtail Soup Mbak Naning served a set of Oxtail Soup to her customers. (Photo: Yusuf Arifai/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, PACITAN – Visiting some city wouldn't feel complete without tasting some dish at the local iconic restaurant. Just like this oxtail soup of Sop Buntut Mbak Naning Pacitan. Located at Terminal Lorok or Lorok Bus Station, Ngadirojo, Pacitan, East Java this place will be a great place to rest after a long travel. 

This small restaurant is reachable and quite easy to found. As its name the restaurant belongs to Mbak Naning which as Eli Kusumaninggsih as her full name. She started to established the restaurant in 1997  with some other dishes as its main signature. 

She didn't have the oxtail soup on her menu at first. Just a normal warung or small restaurant with local food. But then she saw a chance with the numerous number of butcher presented around the area. In the year of 2000, she started to deliver this dish to her customers. 

All Things You Need to Know about Mbak Naning Oxtail Soup Restaurant


This place opens daily from 07.00 to 16.00 local western times. "Sunday and lunch time is the most busy day of all, I could spend around 10 kilograms of oxtail in a day" Mbak Naning explained about her dishes.

A set of this soup will cost you for IDR 40 K. If you willing to have some rice with it you will need to add for IDR 5 K.  This dish will be served along with sweet and spicy soy sauce. It will elevate the taste to the cloud nine.

Her customers mostly becomes her regular customers since they worked around the area. But there was also some people coming from neighborhood cities to rest during a long journey.


"Just casual rural soup, nothing more, like garlic, pepper, and nutmeg," the lady explained about the ingredients she used for her oxtail soup. 

Most of them will comeback to this place just to get the savory taste of oxtail soup of Sop Buntut Mbak Naning Pacitan. As of now this restaurant has had 4 workers to help this 51 year old lady run her business. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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