Life Style

5 Foods That Don't Seem as Healthy as Its Ads

Monday, 02 August 2021 - 02:16
5 Foods That Don't Seem as Healthy as Its Ads Fruit Juice. (Credit: stockcreations/

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – Advertisements or ads has paid a huge contribution towards what's on our grocery list. But sometimes they cover it up to get our attention and sometimes it miss leading and its not as healthy as it said. That’s why we need to check the label behind the packaging. It shows everything, all the nutrients and ingredients we take while consuming it.

So, what food that is look or sound healthy but could do you more harm? Well, according to Health a lot we will list you several foods that might come to your consideration. Check these out.

Fruit Juice

Not as its name, fruit juice does not equal fruit. When you see the label, it's full of food coloring and refined sugar. Additionally, the process to get juice usually strips out the all-important fiber it contains. Eating the fruit alone could be the best choice instead taking the fruit juice from the nearest convenient store.

Sugar-Free Food

Don’t get fooled with what's written on the label. The sugar on sugar-free foods  substitute sugar for aspartame, neotame, or a similar non-sugar sweetener to keep the taste without the carbohydrates. While some of these sweeteners are safe, especially natural ones, the chemical sweeteners can cause more harm than they’re worth. Make sure you check the label before you buy.

Granola and protein bars

These two come with way too much sugar to be healthy. And they are often packed with additional calories which makes the "healthy" stereotype gone. What make it worse, it sometimes also contain some additives and sugars. Those fresh food from your kitchen is the best option to get your healthy lifestyle.

Veggie and fruit chips

fruit chips like banan chips, aple chips, jackfruit chips or those veggie chips like spinach chips, and more will not be included aas a healthy food. Though they have veggie or fruit on its name, it doesn’t mean that they are as healthy as raw fruit and veggies. They more to a pack of carbs and tons of calories. Additionally the friying process stip them for the real mineral and vitamin they have.

Coconut Water 

You need to check the label for any coconut water drink you found in the market. Most of them just made out of water and sugar. If you read the label, it's actually has a ton of sugar which could lead you to diabetes. If you really need to hydrate your body, water or real coconut water in the coconut shell are the best. (*)

Writer :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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