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Safety Tips for Hikers During the Rainy Season

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 - 04:31
Safety Tips for Hikers During the Rainy Season Illustration – Hikers at Mount Semeru. (Photo: Doc. TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – Some people prefer to spend their vacation days near the warm sand of a beach and enjoy the splashes of waves running ashore. For others, the experience of hiking to the top to reach the summit of the mountain provides an unmatched satisfaction that will make the most of their vacation days.

However, the risk of hiking the mountain, especially during the rainy season is something that one must consider seriously to avoid any unnecessary injuries. During the rainy season, the risk increases significantly because of the slippery rocks, limited visibility, strong winds, and mushy soil that may collapse anytime.

If you still decide to go on a hike this season, there are some safety tips that you may consider before taking the first steps to the mountain summit.

The Safety Tips to Hike during Rainy Season 

1. Health

Make sure that you are perfectly healthy and in tip-top condition. Hiking during a rainy season takes a lot of stamina and also requires you to stay focused and pay extra attention to your surroundings. Make sure that you are not passing areas with slippery soil or rocks that will obstruct your long hike to the top. Cold and humid air can also be challenging at times, so make sure that your body is in pristine condition.

2. Know the characteristic of the mountain

If you are going to take a hike during a rainy season, it would be best to choose a mountain that you have already hiked before. This way, you already know the overall characteristic of the area and know an immediate safe area in case of stormy rain.

3. Calculate the hiking time

After knowing the characteristics of the mountain, you also need to calculate the perfect time to start the long trip. It would be best to avoid hiking when the rain pours heavily. This way you can reduce the risk of injury by slipping or falling caused by an unpredictable ground collapse.

You can also get some additional information from the official site of the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) that will help you to decide the perfect timing for your hike.

4. Hiking tools

During a hike, you will need a complete set of tools compatible for the whole trip and back, such as a double-layered tent, flysheet, sleeping bag, hiking shoes, portable stove, and raincoat. A portable stove will be extremely useful during your hike because it will be hard to find some dry twigs and leaves for a campfire. 

Also do not forget to bring your personal belongings such as emergency tools, first-aid kit, medicines, or multipurpose tools to prepare for the unpredictable.

5. Set up your tent in a safe area

Look for a safe area to set up your tent, not in the open ground nor near a tall tree. These locations have a higher risk of getting struck by a clap of thunder. Choose a location near some bushes with little or no trees around. Especially near the end of the year, you also need to know the first-aid actions for hypothermia symptoms relief to keep up with this hiking tips. (*)

Writer :
Editor : Evan Julianto

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