
Alumni Connect PPI Dunia Inaugurates New Member of the Board

Sunday, 03 December 2023 - 02:46
Alumni Connect PPI Dunia Inaugurates New Member of the Board All the Alumni Connect PPI Dunia team after the inauguration (2/12/2023). (Foto: Alumni Connect PPI Dunia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTAAlumni Connect PPI Dunia had just inaugurated its first board of executives on Saturday (2/12/2023). The induction of 182 executives for the 2023-2026 term symbolizes the diversity and pluralism that enriches the organization.

These executives not only represent the geographic diversity as Indonesian student alumni abroad but also bring backgrounds from various disciplines, representing different countries worldwide.

"The success of this organization lies in its ability to embrace diversity. The newly appointed executives are not just physical representations but also a manifestation of the contributions of various perspectives to advance the Vision of Indonesia 2045," Hafizd Alharomain Lubis, the manager in charge of the event said.

Geographical and Disciplinary Diversity Worldwide

They all came from 55 Foreign Alumni Associations scattered across the globe, creating an extensive and profound network. They brought unique experiences from every corner of the earth, from North America to Asia, Europe to Australia, creating unity in diversity.

The strength of these executives lies in their diverse academic backgrounds. From social sciences to engineering, arts to health sciences, they represent various disciplines. This diversity is a valuable asset in designing and implementing comprehensive and relevant programs.

The executives also demonstrate the global presence of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia by representing various countries worldwide. From Indonesia to Germany, Malaysia to Canada, all bring experiences from different contexts into the organization.

The Member of The Boards

The appointed executives cover various strategic positions, from the Advisory Board consisting of prominent figures to the Directorate that will lead the implementation of the organization's programs and initiatives.

One of the Presidium Council members, Nikkolai Ali Akbar Velayati, revealed that the diverse backgrounds of all appointed executives, both in terms of generation and discipline, show the richness of the organization's resources.

"This can certainly be optimized to achieve the common goals of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia. As the name suggests, Alumni Connect PPI Dunia functions to connect all elements of PPI alumni, whether they have returned to Indonesia or are still working abroad," he explained.

In addition to the executives, the event was enriched with insights and contributions from several prominent figures. Prof. Arif Satria (Chairman of the Indonesian Rector Forum), Laksana Tri Handoko (Head of BRIN), and Tedi Bharata (Deputy of HR TI BUMN RI) were among them.

Dr. Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie (Chair of Wantiknas/ Ilthabie) and Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana, PhD. (Head of the Center for Cooperative, Corporate, and People's Economy Research at BRIN) also attended the event.

They not only provided profound insights into "Vision Indonesia 2045: Strategic Implementation of Foreign Alumni Associations" but also became Advisory Board members in the management of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia for 2023-2026.

Challenges and Opportunities

With a significant number of executives and the outstanding support of the Advisory Board, Alumni Connect PPI Dunia is in a strong position to face challenges and implement strategic programs to support the vision of Indonesia 2045.

"Alumni Connect PPI Dunia plans to create a book containing ideas and thoughts from foreign alumni. This book is expected to be an answer to the challenges of realizing the Golden Vision of Indonesia 2045, considering the diversity of disciplines, perspectives, and expertise that constitute the unique strength of alumni who have studied abroad," Achmad Aditya, Coordinator of the Presidium Council said.

The leadership of Alumni Connect PPI Dunia for 2023-2026 is committed to leading with integrity and promoting global collaboration in supporting Indonesia's vision and development. Together, the alumni will be a positive force in achieving higher goals. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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