
INDONESIAN TIMES Today: Prospects of the Halal Industry to Recommended Family Cars

Sunday, 11 February 2024 - 05:12
INDONESIAN TIMES Today: Prospects of the Halal Industry to Recommended Family Cars Indonesian Times Saturday, 10 Februari 2024

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – The Saturday (10/2/2024) edition of the INDONESIAN TIMES A-Paper is quite captivating. In its main report, this English and Arabic media outlet provides a review of Indonesia's rapidly growing halal industry.

Additionally, there is a section recommending the most advisable family cars to use. All of this information is available in this publication.

For your health needs, the health section offers information on fatty liver disease. And for those interested in tourism, there is an interesting travel review to explore.

Get your copy of INDONESIAN TIMES here: (*)


Writer : Imadudin Muhammad
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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