
PPI Institute 2024: Empowering Youth for Indonesia's Tourism Renaissance

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 - 01:36
PPI Institute 2024: Empowering Youth for Indonesia's Tourism Renaissance Sandiaga Uno during a webinar held by PPI Institute. (Photo: PPI Institute)

TIMES JAZIRAH, JAKARTA – The webinar held by PPI Institute (17/2/2024) highlighted the crucial role of youth in propelling Indonesia's tourism sector to new heights. Positioned as the leaders of tomorrow, the youth bring an invaluable blend of creativity, innovation, and energy that can serve as catalysts for the advancement of Indonesia's tourism landscape.

In the age of digital connectivity, social media becomes a powerful ally for the youth. Armed with platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, the younger generation can champion Indonesia's diverse tourist destinations, disseminating the untapped potential of the nation's tourism through captivating content.

The webinar was held for PPI Institute knows that youth has taken center stage in fostering sustainable tourism. Youth has become change agents, they contribute to the industry's longevity by developing unique tourism products, nurturing local tourism communities, and orchestrating collaborations to enhance tourism potential. Active involvement in improving tourism infrastructure is also within the sphere of youth influence.

During the recent webinar PPI Institute invited several prominent speakers. Those including Dr. H. Sandiago Salahudin Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) and Muhammad Riza Damanik, Special Staff to the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Menkop, and UKM).

Sandiago Uno underscored the importance of innovation in captivating the international market, leveraging Indonesia's stunning tourist attractions. He stressed the necessity of innovation, collaboration, and adaptation.

"We have many beautiful tourist attractions such as Bali, Lake Toba, and Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Therefore, there is a need for innovation, collaboration, and adaptation by moving quickly, do it  together, and exploit all job potential," he said. 

inline with Uno, Muhammad Riza Damanik focused on job creation through structural changes, emphasizing the significance of quality job transformations through corporatization and downstreaming. He highlighted Indonesia's vast potential, especially with around 62.62% of the population being youth.

Drawing examples from developed countries like Norway, Riza highlighted the significance of utilizing Indonesia's natural resources for economic growth. For instance, the innovation and technology surrounding salmon in Norway could find parallels in Indonesia's vast resources, such as seaweed being processed into bioplastics.

Indonesia, ranking sixth globally in the number of startups, holds immense potential for economic growth. Riza emphasized the need for Indonesia to be a key player in the global arena for economic development.

Encouraging collaborative networks under the PPI Institute, youth should build partnerships, involving at least three key actors in creating and developing inclusive entrepreneurial networks. Collaborating with non-governmental entities and the private sector is crucial for inclusion in government programs and transnational organizations.

In focusing on innovation development under the PPI Institute, the digitally-savvy younger generation holds the key to unlocking the potential of local commodities. Through innovative digitalization, particularly in the agricultural and fisheries sectors, Indonesia can shine on the global stage.

As Indonesia strives for economic growth, the active participation of youth under the PPI Institute becomes imperative. By capitalizing on their energy, creativity, and digital prowess, the youth can become the driving force behind sustainable development and innovation, steering Indonesia toward a prosperous future.(*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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