
The Sabilillah Foundation's Strategy to Unlock IDR 327 Trillion in Zakat Potential

Sunday, 11 February 2024 - 16:28
The Sabilillah Foundation's Strategy to Unlock IDR 327 Trillion in Zakat Potential Malang Mayor Wahyu Hidayat (center) and Sabilillah Foundation officials witness the launch of the SILAT Lazis Sabilillah application by the Deputy Chairman of Baznas RI. (Foto: TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES JAZIRAH, MALANG – The Sabilillah Foundation has taken significant steps to awaken economic awareness and the potential of zakat and Islamic way of charity. Fo this, they held the 14th Executive Study Session held on Sunday (11/2/2024) in Malang, East Java. 

This event, in collaboration with the Baznas RI (the National Board of Zakat of Indonesia), attracted attention from various sectors. This actions marks an important step in strengthening the economic foundation of the community. 

Sevwral local public figures attenting the occasion. Let's say  the Acting Mayor of Malang, the director of RSSA Malang Hospital, the chairman of Baznas East Java, and chairpersons of Baznas across the Malang Area to name a few.     Not to mention dozens of business owners and executive officials.

Prof Mas'ud Said, the Third Chairman of the Sabilillah Foundation, that this event will continue to positively impact society. This will enhance the local knowledgge especially about zakat or charity in Islam.

The Acting Mayor of Malang, Wahyu Hidayat, highlighted the importance of such gatherings in raising community awareness. He emphasized that improving the economy of East Java and Malang is a shared responsibility, not just of the government but of all societal layers.

A key focus of this session was on the national zakat potential. According to Dr. Moh Mahdum, the Vice Chairman of Baznas RI, the potential could reach an astonishing IDR 327 trillion per year. 

However, only about 10% of this potential is currently being collected. He stressed that if Muslims properly fulfill their zakat obligations, the potential in East Java alone could reach IDR 36 trillion.

Dr. Mahdum also highlighted the importance of a professional approach in managing zakat and the need to spread zakat teachings and motivate every zakat worker to actively participate. He noted that zakat literacy is crucial to achieving Baznas's 2024 target of IDR 43 trillion.

An important initiative announced at the event was the launch of Silat (Sabilillah Integrated Zakat Information System) by the Vice Chairman of Baznas. This system aims to simplify the management and distribution of zakat, alms, and charity, making it easier, more transparant, and trustworthy for the community. 

"With Silat, we hope to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managing the funds of the community," he said during the system's inauguration.

The Executive Study Session in Malang Raya demonstrates the commitment of the Sabilillah Foundation and Baznas to advancing the economy and welfare of the community in East Java. Through the executive study sessions and the launch of an integrated zakat information system, they hope to maximize the potential of zakat to support sustainable social and economic development.

Dr. Moh Mahdum concluded the event by encouraging everyone to cleanse their wealth through zakat. "This is how we can help those in need and at the same time prove that zakat plays a vital role in the economic development of the community," he urged, inviting all layers of society to actively participate in zakat. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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